Hey there amazing teens! Do you want to know the secrets to financial success that won’t bore you to death? Why not take a break from your phone and learn some fantastic financial education tips that will make you a money-savvy superstar! 

Welcome to the wacky world of financial literacy, where we’ll turn those doughnut-loving brains of yours into financial wizards faster than you can say “credit card debt.” But hold on to your pocket money, because we’re about to embark on a wild and hilarious ride through the magical land of money management.

Buckle up, kiddos!

So, you might be wondering,

“Why do I need to learn about money?

Can’t I just hire a financial fairy godmother to take care of it all?”

Well, my friends, as much as I wish that was the case, the truth is that understanding money is like knowing how to navigate a roller coaster blindfolded—it’s bound to get messy if you don’t have a clue what you’re doing.

If you have not signed up yet, this is your chance to join the Money With Brains family for only $5 per month. Not only will this cover your financial literacy class, it will give you access to discounts on all future classes that will be launched here at Money With Brains as well as other perks!

Pay per month

— For individuals who want to pay monthly

You will be billed on a monthly basis. Does not include savings on future courses. Cancel any time.


Pay yearly

— For individuals who want to pay yearly

Pay on a yearly basis. Will have access to discounts into all future courses. Cancel any time.
